Image Competition 2018
2018 Image Competition Winners Heading link
143 people voted for the best image in the 8th Annual Images of Research Competition! Congratulations to our winners, whose images are featured below with the number of votes received.
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The agarose gel in this image is a common characterization tool used in most laboratory settings but was accidentally frozen in the fridge due to a malfunction in the temperature gage. The gel was removed with a layer of thin ice over it in the formation of this beautiful design. My laboratory uses polymer engineering techniques in order to create controlled drug release systems which we hope will be administered to wound victims to speed up the process of healing utilizing the body’s immune system. Using gels like these, allow for us to portray our results in the laboratory setting to advance the field of controlled release formulations.
Dept. of Biopharmaceutical Sciences|

Gut bacteria play an important role in human health and diseases. To study their functions, in vitro culturing becomes an essential step. Majority of human gut bacteria are anaerobes that are very sensitive to oxygen exposure. To provide an oxygen-free environment, we work with anaerobic chamber containing a gas mix (5% CO2,5% H2 and 90% N2). In the image, second year PhD student Xiaotong Yang from Dr. Hyunyoung Jeong’s lab was performing an experiment using anaerobic chamber.
Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy|

An ovarian cancer spheroid is displacing ovarian surface epithelium, mimicking the first steps in metastasis.
Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy|